About Us
Penistone & District Riding Club was founded in 1977 by a small group of local enthusiasts getting together and organising simple events. Today, a dedicated committee of members work hard to benefit all members with a broad variety of events.
We hold regular shows comprising of in hand and ridden showing, working hunter classes, show jumping, dressage, combined training, le trec and fun rides. Members can accumulate points at some of the shows to compete for an intraclub trophy which is awarded at the annual presentation evening. We also hold regular charity fun shows which are themed with everyone welcome to come in fancy dress.
There are regular flatwork and jumping training clinics with local instructors, and each summer we hold a four day course. The four day course comprises of three days of instruction and a competition day on the last day, for members only. This is a great way to benefit from some intensive training and is also great fun with many members choosing to camp on site.
Throughout the year we organise various other events including race nights with a pie and pea supper, table top tack sales and informative talks from various equestrian professionals.
For further information please contact us or to join as a member click here.